Office 365
Login to Microsoft Office 365 to access email, One Drive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.
Skyward is a secure platform used to enroll students and update vital information.
Canvas is an online course management platform to upload assignments, check grades, etc.
A platform that provides identity, access, security, and classroom engagement in one place.
StudentSquare is an app for easy access to messages and alerts from your school, coach, etc.
Get answers to frequently asked questions on all HSE software, devices, and applications.
Lunch Menus
View monthly breakfast and lunch menus for all school buildings.
Add money and manage student lunch accounts through e~Funds for Schools.
Student Handbooks
Download your grade level's or school's student handbook to read important information.
School Safety
Information to download HSEReportIt! app, SRO directory, and safety levels.
Access the current and future district academic calendars as well as special events.
R.A.V.E Reviews
Recognize outstanding staff members by filling our a R.A.V.E. Review nomination form.